Friday, April 25, 2008
Here I am Back..
Hello everyone out there, I am back blogging again..Why suddenly back?haha..just get bored of studying tired as i sat for 4 papers in a week without any tat's really torturing ah...i still here wasting my time typing and surfing the net early in the morning yet i still got lots to catch..but i just can find the mood to study and the strenght..still very tired although i slept early last nite..keep on yawning the best to everyone up there..i will keep update my blog as soon as possible after my exam..will put in more wait yea..hehe..good day and god bless..
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Klcc Skybridge Visit..
Jalan Imbi..kei tak sek..
all these r fruit sago mi lu..hehe
very cooling for a hot day like tat..yohoo..
can u c the shadow of klcc..nice leh??
having Lamb Kebabs (roasted lamb cooked korean style kua..)
i look greedy ho??Very tasty leh..
wow..wot a great n carey n roomate..we went to klcc skybridge early morning in order to get the free entrance..we r a bit late..noe wot time we reached thr??around 9 plus..then the tickets almost finished leh..we r about 50 last visiter of the day..tat's many tourist..i cnt imagine if it's weekends then how early they have to line up to get the tickets for the entrance n visit of the skybrige only for about 10 minutes..but we r lucky tat we have the chance to step on it...our turn to visit the skybridge was we had to hang around in klcc to wait 4 our we shop around n had kfc then isetan roasted lamb n chicken..hehe..of cuz nt to forget my favourite roti boy lo..i wont miss whenever i go too klcc o 1 utama hehe..greedy me leh..after visiting the skybridge we went to time again..mega sales looking 4 shoes..but cnt get it..haiz..gonna work hard to find 1 ah..haha..after tat alvin came to meet us up after his work..then vui kiat oso..later we went to kim gary had dinner..french toast n yin yong the normal menu 4 me when i step into tis restaurant..haha..again..yam cha although very full..kei tak sek..the fruity sago mi lu..nice n cooling..wot a great day wif all the delicious food n drinks..then of cuz the very painful n tired as we had walked the whole day...keng oso spend a lot..of my god..only beginning of the month already overspend dy...i really have to starve for the coming days..hehe...but i really enjoy nice food..haha
Genting Trip during special semester..hehe

the daring gal gang..all my coursemates...without second thought..went to genting without any planning..we booked our room on mon nitez..then went up to genting on wed 3 weeeks ago..although i had been thr a lot of time..but everytime went up thr i have different feelings and experience ah...tat's wot i always say..although we go to the same place...but we will have different experience as we go on the different time and with different ppl ma..hehe...having great fun thr though..thx buddy o..
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Kemaman trip..

ka yern, joshua n me...
Can only be found in Kemaman
Durian but cannot be eaten..
Special Semester..
Yea..Im back to kl much more earlier than my other friends because i have special semester o third semester..time back here for almost two months dy...i completed my special semester n had sat for im having my two weeks break before entering my second year of uni life..juniors are fact they are here dy..gonna meet them on mon..seems quite eager to meet for myself..i cant believe im here for a year..but tis whole year i have grown for sure..i meet all kinds of world seems like growing too..the world im into seems to be more complicated..ppl around also seems to be hard to coordinate o pleased sometimes lo..but i have learnt..we have to bear with it..cant always aspect things will go smooth n flow according to the way u wish too..
This special semester im taking only one subject..dnt think one subject is easy..there's so much work..i hardly have much free time though..we have doing assignments n reports all day long..we had to do a lot of read up especially surf for informations..our lecturer teach like western style..she wans us to look up for info independent..attending her lecture seems like listening to her experience on her research..not much we gain from her indeed..but i did gain some knowledge through tis subject as we have to do a lot read up...but dnt think im doing well as the final was so hard..her questions ah?wow..dnt know how to commend on it..seems like we r expert in all the techniques n we can apply well but some of it we never try before then wot u aspect from us???is it too much ah??but who cares..already passed..hopefully my results will not be too bad as i have tried my very best..just leave it to the almighty god..
On the other hands..for this special semester life is a bit more relax than the past two semester..i even can manage to work during weekends..but so far only work for 3 weekends..i have been working at midvalley..the nearest to my a promoter of though and meet a lot of new friends from all walks of life lo..hehe..i noe more about a hypermarket organization..gain more experience...n trained my cantonese too..haha..although i speak poor cantonese lo...haha..tml i going for another going to lumut,perak..i have never been thr be4..heard somewhr near beach o..then must be great lo..will be working as assistant for teambuilding project..some sort like usher lo..hehe...but will be fun but tired lo..will be back tis sun..then mon start class dy..i suppose mon will be a tired day for me as classes are very packed..
These two weeks holidays were great for having great fun n enjoy a lot..n doing nothing much than just relax n travel around..i had steamboat will coursemate the nite be4 friends went back to their respective hometown..then on last tues..i went to kemaman. terengganu will one of my coursemate..her great fun thr n tired a lot of nice food..thx ka yern for bring me around ya..tat evening when i reached thr..we shopped around kemaman though it's a small city..we had AMW rootbeer float..long time i havent drink tat..i found out everyshop must have malay workers although the owner of the shop is chinese..hehe..dnt get use to c malay all around..not an offence..tis is wot i c..then lots of there notice o road sign with jawi wording ah...hehe...then the next day, early morning we went to have breakfast..the famous fish soup mee o beehoon with local keropok..nice n taste wanna have one again..after tat we went to beach..the cherating beach at kuantan pahang..having great fun thr...but the day it's really hot..have sun burn later..haha..then we have nasi minyak, curi puff with potato n another type of curry puff wif fish..very delicious..after taking nap..tat evening we went to kuala, kemaman, terengganu..a long stretch of houses selling lots of keropok lekok, satar n memoriable..must taste these o..the local most famous..even saw two huge tourist bus bring tourist to eat all these leh..the next mrg before i came back to kl..we went to hai peng coffee shop..the famous hainan coffee n roti bakar..the roti bakar is in bun formed n spreaded with kaya...the coffee is thick but quite nice though..ka yern's dad was so good..he bought the local famous n the only place we can get-nasi dagang from's rice and fish wrapped with banana great..thx ka yen, her sis, mom n dad for entertaining me the whole trip..
After im back from terengganu..then busy working..tis week actually i planned to go s'pore..but one of cnt go then cancel..haiz..but nvm..will have the chance de..hehe..then last two days..i went to klcc unforgetable experience..then saw lots of tourist around the world..oh ya reminder for those who wish to go get the tickets by 7.30a.m till 9.00a.m..cuz the tickets is's limited..then normally the tickets will finish around 9 smth lo..tat's weekdays..weekend not sure..on tat day..we went shopping around klcc, time square n sungei wang,.wot a shopping queen ho??but we din buy much things o..but we ate a lot..we had kfc, roti boy..then meet up alvin, vuikiat..then we went to kim gary..i had french toast n yin yong although im full dy..hehe..then later keechung join us..again we went yam cha at kei tat sek..i drank kiwi sago wot a day of all delicious..yea like my style..trying up lots of different food..
Yesterday went midvalley again..just to get some pots n pans n rice cooker as the other housemate moved so we dnt have all these a lot today grounded at money dy hehe..but still love it..relax..n do nth...gonna miss tis life as class gonna start soon...i think i will be very busy n stressed up..god pls guide me along..
K la till then..will keep u update then..hope all of u enjoy ur holidays although some of u ur holidays almost n some just about to well n recharge ur life the fullest ya..take k..good luck..n god bless u all..keep in touch..hugs..
This special semester im taking only one subject..dnt think one subject is easy..there's so much work..i hardly have much free time though..we have doing assignments n reports all day long..we had to do a lot of read up especially surf for informations..our lecturer teach like western style..she wans us to look up for info independent..attending her lecture seems like listening to her experience on her research..not much we gain from her indeed..but i did gain some knowledge through tis subject as we have to do a lot read up...but dnt think im doing well as the final was so hard..her questions ah?wow..dnt know how to commend on it..seems like we r expert in all the techniques n we can apply well but some of it we never try before then wot u aspect from us???is it too much ah??but who cares..already passed..hopefully my results will not be too bad as i have tried my very best..just leave it to the almighty god..
On the other hands..for this special semester life is a bit more relax than the past two semester..i even can manage to work during weekends..but so far only work for 3 weekends..i have been working at midvalley..the nearest to my a promoter of though and meet a lot of new friends from all walks of life lo..hehe..i noe more about a hypermarket organization..gain more experience...n trained my cantonese too..haha..although i speak poor cantonese lo...haha..tml i going for another going to lumut,perak..i have never been thr be4..heard somewhr near beach o..then must be great lo..will be working as assistant for teambuilding project..some sort like usher lo..hehe...but will be fun but tired lo..will be back tis sun..then mon start class dy..i suppose mon will be a tired day for me as classes are very packed..
These two weeks holidays were great for having great fun n enjoy a lot..n doing nothing much than just relax n travel around..i had steamboat will coursemate the nite be4 friends went back to their respective hometown..then on last tues..i went to kemaman. terengganu will one of my coursemate..her great fun thr n tired a lot of nice food..thx ka yern for bring me around ya..tat evening when i reached thr..we shopped around kemaman though it's a small city..we had AMW rootbeer float..long time i havent drink tat..i found out everyshop must have malay workers although the owner of the shop is chinese..hehe..dnt get use to c malay all around..not an offence..tis is wot i c..then lots of there notice o road sign with jawi wording ah...hehe...then the next day, early morning we went to have breakfast..the famous fish soup mee o beehoon with local keropok..nice n taste wanna have one again..after tat we went to beach..the cherating beach at kuantan pahang..having great fun thr...but the day it's really hot..have sun burn later..haha..then we have nasi minyak, curi puff with potato n another type of curry puff wif fish..very delicious..after taking nap..tat evening we went to kuala, kemaman, terengganu..a long stretch of houses selling lots of keropok lekok, satar n memoriable..must taste these o..the local most famous..even saw two huge tourist bus bring tourist to eat all these leh..the next mrg before i came back to kl..we went to hai peng coffee shop..the famous hainan coffee n roti bakar..the roti bakar is in bun formed n spreaded with kaya...the coffee is thick but quite nice though..ka yern's dad was so good..he bought the local famous n the only place we can get-nasi dagang from's rice and fish wrapped with banana great..thx ka yen, her sis, mom n dad for entertaining me the whole trip..
After im back from terengganu..then busy working..tis week actually i planned to go s'pore..but one of cnt go then cancel..haiz..but nvm..will have the chance de..hehe..then last two days..i went to klcc unforgetable experience..then saw lots of tourist around the world..oh ya reminder for those who wish to go get the tickets by 7.30a.m till 9.00a.m..cuz the tickets is's limited..then normally the tickets will finish around 9 smth lo..tat's weekdays..weekend not sure..on tat day..we went shopping around klcc, time square n sungei wang,.wot a shopping queen ho??but we din buy much things o..but we ate a lot..we had kfc, roti boy..then meet up alvin, vuikiat..then we went to kim gary..i had french toast n yin yong although im full dy..hehe..then later keechung join us..again we went yam cha at kei tat sek..i drank kiwi sago wot a day of all delicious..yea like my style..trying up lots of different food..
Yesterday went midvalley again..just to get some pots n pans n rice cooker as the other housemate moved so we dnt have all these a lot today grounded at money dy hehe..but still love it..relax..n do nth...gonna miss tis life as class gonna start soon...i think i will be very busy n stressed up..god pls guide me along..
K la till then..will keep u update then..hope all of u enjoy ur holidays although some of u ur holidays almost n some just about to well n recharge ur life the fullest ya..take k..good luck..n god bless u all..keep in touch..hugs..
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Back to kl soon.. going back to kl very soon..tis coming sunday..time really flies as my 2 weeks holidays have passed in a few days i dnt really sleep well..slept quite late and woke up very early..i oso dnt know y lo..hehe...going back to face the coming challenge..i oso dnt dare to think of my coming 1 month plus special semester..just can sense there will be lots of happening..n somemore i have to get use to new ppl..n somemore tests n exa coming again..although my class is quite free..only take one subject..just feel that things will not go that easily..maybe i think too much..hopefully just pray hard 4 god guidiance and blessing..hopefully i will get someone to go 2 church with me every weekends as most my friends have gone back for holidays..but going alone oso can..hehe..k la till then..just hope everything will be fine..just miss kuching so much..oh ya..this morning just saw free tickets from kuching kl o..thinking of coming back again earlier july..maybe nia lo..hehe..c how ya..all of u there do take k oh..buddy thx 4 the accompany 4 this 2 weeks..hehe..hugs..
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Home sweet home..
Hurray..Im back home again after 2 months plus at this short period of time..really a lot of things happened..a lot of challenge and difficulties i had 2 face..especially dealing with all kinds of people around me..conflicts that cannot be avoided when different people of differents characters meet..when people begin to work together, communicate...uneasiness, hurts, unhappiness and all kinds of feelings came..disappointed of cuz..but i suppose all this is giving us chance to learn how to cope wif..jus when to youth gathering the day be4..lord ans my of the youth minister leader did share a story of her niece..yap she's oso facing problem dealing people..noe wot is her solution??great ah..just face every problem n difficulties with prayers..kneel down n pray hard..always keep this in find..listen to the word of lord..he will guide u throughout..with HIS guidiance..u will never lost ur way and there will be always a solution..and always stay in PEACE!!!SHALOM is the word that have to be stored in out personal cpu--brain!!if anything happens remember this word then things will turn the other way's true..and always remember JESUS who died for our sins...praise the lord,jesus christ..
Yea..i have been back home for a week plus dy..happy to back home..but there's something in my heart tat make me cant really enjoy my's a not easy gain holidays..really a lot of things happened and lots of effort to get this 2 weeks holidays...noe wot?tears even pour...really cant help it..our seniors never had such holidays as we have special semester that means we have to stay back after our final exam while others will have their 2 months holidays..for me whether there's holidays do not matter..but noe y we insist to have this holidays?it's because we only take one subject the whole 2 months..then we only have class in the morning from mon to thurs..each day only one o 3 hours class..arent this wasting our time??y dnt just pack everything in a few weeks??but malaysia system...we cant do much...i hv been coordinating this matter since begining of the year till now..although we successfully get 2 weeks holiday...i guess in between we did make people unhappy especially the office n some of our friends who dont wan holidays...sorry for that..but as what my friend said what hv been done cant do much..i always doubt whether this decision is correct o not..but i cant care much...we all already back home..guys just enjoy ur holidays..c u people in 2 weeks time then..a lot to go when we are back..i also dont dare to think..just leave everything to the beloved GOd..
i will be back very soon..although i miss home so much but still have to go back..lots of things to be doubt..dnt noe how to say..but this is my choice so have to be responsible for is like tat de..face it then..k mom's day..happie mom's ya mom..may god bless my mom who born me, dad, sis, bro n friends..hope tat they always stay in peace n happy owez..take k..till then..will be back if im free..hugs...
Yea..i have been back home for a week plus dy..happy to back home..but there's something in my heart tat make me cant really enjoy my's a not easy gain holidays..really a lot of things happened and lots of effort to get this 2 weeks holidays...noe wot?tears even pour...really cant help it..our seniors never had such holidays as we have special semester that means we have to stay back after our final exam while others will have their 2 months holidays..for me whether there's holidays do not matter..but noe y we insist to have this holidays?it's because we only take one subject the whole 2 months..then we only have class in the morning from mon to thurs..each day only one o 3 hours class..arent this wasting our time??y dnt just pack everything in a few weeks??but malaysia system...we cant do much...i hv been coordinating this matter since begining of the year till now..although we successfully get 2 weeks holiday...i guess in between we did make people unhappy especially the office n some of our friends who dont wan holidays...sorry for that..but as what my friend said what hv been done cant do much..i always doubt whether this decision is correct o not..but i cant care much...we all already back home..guys just enjoy ur holidays..c u people in 2 weeks time then..a lot to go when we are back..i also dont dare to think..just leave everything to the beloved GOd..
i will be back very soon..although i miss home so much but still have to go back..lots of things to be doubt..dnt noe how to say..but this is my choice so have to be responsible for is like tat de..face it then..k mom's day..happie mom's ya mom..may god bless my mom who born me, dad, sis, bro n friends..hope tat they always stay in peace n happy owez..take k..till then..will be back if im free..hugs...
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Tiring weeks...
It had been 2 weeks since im back from my hometown for chinese new year holiday..time really flies..but i felt that it seems that i hv been back here for weeks already but i just cant believe it's just 2 weeks nia..i think maybe to many things going on..i was so very busy...when i first step into um back from my holiday..i had been busy preparing for my parasitology test as i did not study at all back in my hometown..for the 3 days revision i was so stress up n anxious..there were lots to memorise and yeat im the one who cnt squeeze everything into my brain the last minute...but luckily i hope i will be fine with god grace..then after the test..there come my assignment to complete..assignment ah??!!haiz..there comes the comflict..maybe when people start to work together u will get to know more about people's characters...then conflict comes..when people doesnt seems to give commiment and support..wot one says hurt though...however at the begining it was still fine...then come another activities that we hv to work together...we have to practise a lot and perform the tat nite..things become worst..i really felt tat had to find gentlemen here lo..everyone is self's lent season..i suppose i hv to do good including forgiving people..but i still still trying hard..not sure whether im wrong n just simply get angry o really we both are wrong...!!??not sure..??puzzle...o maybe all of us ar stress up kua..somemore the person not only hurting me..but frens around too..but hope god will guide me along..i must go for confession but i still din manage to..hopefully tis weekend...but wot for confession but still hvnt forgive ppl leh..??!!hope will get back to usual asap lo...tat's wot im busy for the weeks..and i oso join fews church activites..hopefully i will get back myself too..then there's lots a thought bothering me..i sometimes really puzzle about life..sometimes people seems to be too busy till dnt know their aim o the original purpose of doing things...rite??lost of themselves...tat's y god is owez our best guidiance...sometimes i can just sit there n day dreaming..really lots of things to future??!!study n study...then???!!ya we cnt predict wot will happen tml..sometimes i just tell myself life is not just studies..but i cnt let it we really have to learn to make decision to choose one when u wish to have just hope everything will be fine...but there's wont be great n happy days for life is challenging..take it up janice...u can do life the fullest..grow from all the hardship..i believe god is owez thr..maybe sometime wot i wish is not fullfilled cuz i trust god tat there must be a reason behind it..then there comes time when it is suitable..k la..have to go to class later..some more assignment to complete..tml i had rehearsal for easter la im just the ursher..then wed have to work for tat..test starting next weeks till begining of may..oh my god really endless tests...really doubt our malaysia education system..always endless test no matter which level u r uni like goverment department so many test really neccesary??!!someone say something...!!
take care everyone..especially my mom,dad,sis n bro n relatives back in kuching...miss u dear frens in kuching o studying elsewhere...god bless..hugs..
take care everyone..especially my mom,dad,sis n bro n relatives back in kuching...miss u dear frens in kuching o studying elsewhere...god bless..hugs..
Sunday, February 4, 2007
Time flies...really lots of events going on the past weeks... has been long i did not update my blog...wot i have done all the while ho???!!ya..quite busy these days when im back to um here..where should i start leh??!!
The past weeks, i was busy with my college activities..i joined the commitee for the singing competition helping in backdrop and's not a hard job though..then we have malam kebudayaan..i did participate as the dancer for the chinese tradisional dance..quite fun and do enjoy the process of learning n oso performing on the stage..did contribute idea for the dance too..hehe..keng i love to hopefully will get more chance to learn different culture dance the chance to wear the chinese traditional cheong sam leh as i didnt wear tat for long time...after tat i had two dinner during tat particular weekend i was really tat friday nite our college malam penganugerahan dinner at Marriote hotel, Putra hotel is really huge n high class leh..5 stars chance must visit lo..the food was ok lo...not much special..just the environment was great..noe wot??!!we paid RM100 for tat leh..then the next nite,sat..a few coursemate n i went to ukm biomedic nite at Regent hotel near Bukit Bintang there lo..the hotel is oso 5 stars...but it's much smaller then the previous..but we had a variaties of food to enjoy tat nite although it's a buffer lo..we oso have to pay but less as our graduated seniors sponsored us some lo..thx for tat the chance to meet the ukm n upm biomedic students..hehe..memoriable experience though..can see how ppl organise stuff the chance to meet jocelyn chua lo..hehe..
On ya came the week of my birthdays...thx to my coursemate for celebrating my 21st birthday as we had mid nite supper at Mamak's stall here..thx for the necklace n the card..i like it....thx to parents, sis,bro n all my friends who remembered my birthday...calling me up especailly right at 12a.m n sms me o drop my a testi at my friendster o even email me...thx dude..thx seein,jj n kee chung for treating me a meal for my birthday celebration..really gald tat though im far away frm my hometown still go friends make the effort to celebrate my birthday with me..thank god for everything in the past 20 years..hope i will grow mentally n spiritually me along my way as i noe u have planned everything for me..
Then the week before last 2 weeks..we, 3 sarawakians went shopping..we shoped the whole day ah..for almost 10 hours eh..really bought a lot of stuff lo..overspent ki..haiz..there are really a lot of sales around...really hard to resist the im really in the mood to go back home..cant wait till fri dy...
The week before last we went to gua tempurung with all my seniors n coursemate fun..for the first time i really went into a cave with waters...memorable event oh..we had 'hike' in the cave for 3 hours plus..thx for all those heroes seniors for helping us to get through the hard part..thx for the second years seniors for organising this activities..after the 'hike' then we had lunch at kampar..having one of perak famous 'chicken curry in bread''s quite nice but not as nice as i thought lo as they said the other shop serve better one oh..hehe...
try it next time as there's another flavour..that's herbal chicken in bread oh..after the lunch we went to bidol to buy some local food back lo like the biscuits n gauva n jambu are really tasty round was a day trip to there goes my second state i visited since im here (after melaka)..hehe..hope to visit more then..
Last week and tis week, im then busy with my studies..yaps..enjoy too much have to struggle hard for exams these two weeks lo..hmm..had 6 subjects to be tested...hopefully i will do fine last exam is until tis wed so might be thinking of going to cheras pasar malam tat nite (the longest pasar malam in m'sia oh..)hehe..then thurs might go to do my last shoppping before back to kuching on fri..really eager to go back liaw..hopefully will have a nice trip back in kuching as i not sure when im back again as i have special during the mid year break..haiz..feel really sad n disappointed for tat..but wot to do then??!!
Will go back home very soon..c u all back home very soon..miss u all...god bless..have a nice week then..really happy tat chinese new year is round the corner...k la gonna stop..have class now..byes...
The past weeks, i was busy with my college activities..i joined the commitee for the singing competition helping in backdrop and's not a hard job though..then we have malam kebudayaan..i did participate as the dancer for the chinese tradisional dance..quite fun and do enjoy the process of learning n oso performing on the stage..did contribute idea for the dance too..hehe..keng i love to hopefully will get more chance to learn different culture dance the chance to wear the chinese traditional cheong sam leh as i didnt wear tat for long time...after tat i had two dinner during tat particular weekend i was really tat friday nite our college malam penganugerahan dinner at Marriote hotel, Putra hotel is really huge n high class leh..5 stars chance must visit lo..the food was ok lo...not much special..just the environment was great..noe wot??!!we paid RM100 for tat leh..then the next nite,sat..a few coursemate n i went to ukm biomedic nite at Regent hotel near Bukit Bintang there lo..the hotel is oso 5 stars...but it's much smaller then the previous..but we had a variaties of food to enjoy tat nite although it's a buffer lo..we oso have to pay but less as our graduated seniors sponsored us some lo..thx for tat the chance to meet the ukm n upm biomedic students..hehe..memoriable experience though..can see how ppl organise stuff the chance to meet jocelyn chua lo..hehe..
On ya came the week of my birthdays...thx to my coursemate for celebrating my 21st birthday as we had mid nite supper at Mamak's stall here..thx for the necklace n the card..i like it....thx to parents, sis,bro n all my friends who remembered my birthday...calling me up especailly right at 12a.m n sms me o drop my a testi at my friendster o even email me...thx dude..thx seein,jj n kee chung for treating me a meal for my birthday celebration..really gald tat though im far away frm my hometown still go friends make the effort to celebrate my birthday with me..thank god for everything in the past 20 years..hope i will grow mentally n spiritually me along my way as i noe u have planned everything for me..
Then the week before last 2 weeks..we, 3 sarawakians went shopping..we shoped the whole day ah..for almost 10 hours eh..really bought a lot of stuff lo..overspent ki..haiz..there are really a lot of sales around...really hard to resist the im really in the mood to go back home..cant wait till fri dy...
The week before last we went to gua tempurung with all my seniors n coursemate fun..for the first time i really went into a cave with waters...memorable event oh..we had 'hike' in the cave for 3 hours plus..thx for all those heroes seniors for helping us to get through the hard part..thx for the second years seniors for organising this activities..after the 'hike' then we had lunch at kampar..having one of perak famous 'chicken curry in bread''s quite nice but not as nice as i thought lo as they said the other shop serve better one oh..hehe...
try it next time as there's another flavour..that's herbal chicken in bread oh..after the lunch we went to bidol to buy some local food back lo like the biscuits n gauva n jambu are really tasty round was a day trip to there goes my second state i visited since im here (after melaka)..hehe..hope to visit more then..
Last week and tis week, im then busy with my studies..yaps..enjoy too much have to struggle hard for exams these two weeks lo..hmm..had 6 subjects to be tested...hopefully i will do fine last exam is until tis wed so might be thinking of going to cheras pasar malam tat nite (the longest pasar malam in m'sia oh..)hehe..then thurs might go to do my last shoppping before back to kuching on fri..really eager to go back liaw..hopefully will have a nice trip back in kuching as i not sure when im back again as i have special during the mid year break..haiz..feel really sad n disappointed for tat..but wot to do then??!!
Will go back home very soon..c u all back home very soon..miss u all...god bless..have a nice week then..really happy tat chinese new year is round the corner...k la gonna stop..have class now..byes...
Tuesday, January 2, 2007
Having a bored weekdays but really enjoyable weekends..hehe
Here im back in um already..the first week was damn bored...had came to the computer lab here for several time but cant so bored dy..and yeat still cant online because of the taiwan earthquake rite??it's because of the first week so not much stuff thought so very free..not much revision have to been done too..and some more still in holiday mood oh..but the weekend was really great..this is because starting from fri noon till tues we are really free..cuz there's a few holidays in a row lo..hehe..know what i do ah???actually before that we planned to go to cameron highlands o singapore..but however cant book we r so daring ah..went to melaka..haha..that's last minutes decision oh..we bought our tickets a day before..oh ya..we three gals from sarawak went alone..our friends here were shocked cuz we r so daring..went without any plan..not even know where we gonna on the past friday..straight away after class n have lunch then we went to pudu raya to take bus to melaka..then we reach melaka sentral..wait for yian phin there cuz she's oso going back to melaka..coincidently we ask the information counter for maps..then the staff there was very helpful..she recommended us where to the first nite we stay at Trend Hotel..somewhere near town and mahkota parade..she even thought us which bus to take eh..kind hearted leh..the we four gals from sarawak had our dinner at Capitol Satay..Melaka's most famous satay's really nice..took some picture but have transfer into computer so cant show..if got chance can try..we add around 40 plus stick eh..then we went to Jongker's just like nite market lo..we had the Nyonya Cendol..was tasty..then i bought a bag and oso a box of Nyonya Pineapple Tart which is in Malaysian Book of Records oh..then the next day we went walk around all the historical spot..we went to red house la..all sorts of museums..and took a lot of photos...haha..afternoon we went to mahkota parade and oso dataran pahlawan..there was sales...but we din buy cuz cant bring back..hehe..then yian phin went back to here uni then we went to our friend's house to overnite..thanks yian phin for accompany us...although u have exam but still spend time with us..paiseh to disturb u oh..gud luck for ur exam ya..then we went to tesco with of a friend,joane..the next day her parents brought us to have dim sum as her dad ordered lots of food ah..all are really nice...then her parents brought us to jusco..we went to the indoor game park..we played was fantastic..indeed a suitable game to release stress o anger oh..then we sang two songs in a small karaoke room..then we went back to Melaka Sentral to take bus's was 31 dec went to countdown at sungei wang...great fun leh...then the next day we went shopping 1 utama here..on 2nd dec..then stay back at hostel some stuff lo..hehe...that's was a busy n enjoyable holiday..hehe...hopefully u all enjoy urself lo..take k ya..god bless...
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Going back to the foreign place..
Time's time for me 2 say goodbye to so many people--my beloved family, friends, cousins,aunties,uncles n kuching..i have been back here for a month plus..having good time back here..not to denied of course i miss everything back here..dnt feel like going back..however im prepared to go back..because life goes on..we cant have such an easy going life all the while..there's must always be an aim to we must keep going..dare to take up the challenge that's waiting for us..stay tough oh..
this holiday o christmas is really special for me..because for the first time i went to's really make me grow especially in faith..i oso get to know o expose to how ppl life as a christian family..i oso dnt noe y suddenly i want to go carolling..during the exam time..before im back here..i already sms my cousin to ask bout carolling..luckily im in time to join one..although this carolling is not tat professional..but i really enjoy..not only tat..i really learn a lot of things...i really admire all my friends during carolling..they are every ready to serve..although they have to work..but they still have the energy to rush for carolling after work...moreover..our carolling sometimes till very job my dear friends..sometimes..there's always excuses that u cant do this n time for this and that..for time for mass..think back...??!!u only spend at least one hour for in a week for god only??!!enough??!!though still a lot of them cant make it because of NO TIME???!!excuse..time is at our hand..that depends how u manage..go mass already no time therefore dnt say wan join the other church activities..but in fact all this activities..not only can cheerish ur life..but im sure we will gain something from just open ur heart..god have message for u everywhere n anytime...thus..lord pls guide me so that i will be ever to shine for u..continue to lead n guide me along the way..thank god for such a wonderful holidays..i really dnt noe how to express my feeling over the pass carolling i join..just speechless..really glad i joined..hope will be able to join the next onen oso the others outcoming that im expose to more..
Oh ya..back here again..too much about carolling ah..just to happy ma..yap..going back liaw..the new year --2007 is coming new year resolution??!!hmm..just life live the fullest..strive for my best for everything i do..make a balance in studies n activities..hope i wont lost myself like the past 1st semester..wan have a wonderful, enjoyable n meaning full uni life..
I think i better stop late dy..tml have to wake up bak kl liaw..To my family n my take good care..i will be back in kuching in a month time..wait for me..back here to chinese new year..cant wait for that..miss u all..god bless..remember HE will always be there for u..ASK U SHALL RECIEVE..
this holiday o christmas is really special for me..because for the first time i went to's really make me grow especially in faith..i oso get to know o expose to how ppl life as a christian family..i oso dnt noe y suddenly i want to go carolling..during the exam time..before im back here..i already sms my cousin to ask bout carolling..luckily im in time to join one..although this carolling is not tat professional..but i really enjoy..not only tat..i really learn a lot of things...i really admire all my friends during carolling..they are every ready to serve..although they have to work..but they still have the energy to rush for carolling after work...moreover..our carolling sometimes till very job my dear friends..sometimes..there's always excuses that u cant do this n time for this and that..for time for mass..think back...??!!u only spend at least one hour for in a week for god only??!!enough??!!though still a lot of them cant make it because of NO TIME???!!excuse..time is at our hand..that depends how u manage..go mass already no time therefore dnt say wan join the other church activities..but in fact all this activities..not only can cheerish ur life..but im sure we will gain something from just open ur heart..god have message for u everywhere n anytime...thus..lord pls guide me so that i will be ever to shine for u..continue to lead n guide me along the way..thank god for such a wonderful holidays..i really dnt noe how to express my feeling over the pass carolling i join..just speechless..really glad i joined..hope will be able to join the next onen oso the others outcoming that im expose to more..
Oh ya..back here again..too much about carolling ah..just to happy ma..yap..going back liaw..the new year --2007 is coming new year resolution??!!hmm..just life live the fullest..strive for my best for everything i do..make a balance in studies n activities..hope i wont lost myself like the past 1st semester..wan have a wonderful, enjoyable n meaning full uni life..
I think i better stop late dy..tml have to wake up bak kl liaw..To my family n my take good care..i will be back in kuching in a month time..wait for me..back here to chinese new year..cant wait for that..miss u all..god bless..remember HE will always be there for u..ASK U SHALL RECIEVE..
Friday, December 15, 2006
hEre i'M bACk...
Time really flies..i hv been back to my beloved hometown-koo cing for a month..i myself cant even it's only left a week then i hv to go back to kl already..haiz..really dont feel like going back..the memoriable n enjoyable moment always flies..just cant stop what have i been doing for the pass month ah?really a lot..i also cant believe that im so busy..hehe...hmm let me think..
For the first week ah?mainly is accompany my family,friends n realtives..go hv breakfast(o i shud brunch) n drink with friends..then go hv dinner-steak with my beloved cousins..then my beloved sister...hv been waiting for me to come we usually go brunch togather..n try out lots of new food..o new place ah..even went to mjc for brunch ah..keng leh..that's why i put on weight..a lot ah..when im back here..oh ya..not forgetting ah..went for youth gathering..the last one of the year...some more i join choice carolling group..went for practise eery monday and thursday..hopefully a different n more meaningful christmas of the year..because we are serving to spread the good news n also bring the joy of christmas to all the family n everyone..
The second week..some old things..busy going brunch with sis la..then friends lo..then go for movie of cuz on movie day lo..hehe..oh this week mom n dad went travelling i hv 2 be nia ma..hehe..but i enjoy tat..i cook for my sis n bro..cooked tom yam soup plus mee..then bring my sis n bro out for japanese cuisine in occasion with my sis birthday..oh ya..that week oso kimching's we have bbq at ida's place..great one lo..kimching was splash with butter cake..oily leh..haha..will be a good memory for him..we have a lot of food usual..i made garlic bread n salad..keke..enjoy making all this stuff..great pass time..hehe..
The third week..out of town oh...i went to matang scout camp..join my junior to camping..haha..actually i only stay one nite nia..hehe..went up there with sin ee, helen, ho hun and vui kiat..when we reached n ho hun went join the members to go mountain climbing..although the members were half way..the rest stay at campsite..oh think im old already..really tired ah..long time didnt go exercise dy..haiz..when to pc fair after coming down that afternoon..plan to get a laptop..but there's nth there..haiz..the next day when trip ah..we even make our own purple t-shirt..wif tomodachi--friends..yap guys..friend 4ever oh..when we went out eat..the tauke even asked which company we belong to ah..hehe..keng have wonderful meals fish, prawns, shan chu, deer meat, taufu n vege oh..unfortunately no crabs..many not the season time lo guys..
Four's this week lo..hmm..ya..have been catching the hong kong series since im back..though slow..but for my pace can say fast lo..the forth series liaw..all borrowed from my cousin..hehe..still a lot to watch but i think not in time dy...haiz..then out with mom n sis lo..then the most interesting is that..last nite--at last the house to house carolling started already..we went to 5 houses of St.Vincent de Paul pity of them..some of the houses no electricity..some of the children are paralysed..the families are luckily we are to have such a loving, comfortable, warm and wonderful better treasure every moment with them..praise god for that..may god bless the st.Vincent de Paul families..i loved my family..muakz...we really have great time singing..although last nite we have all together 6 houses but we never feel tired bring the joy to the's different n great experience for me as i never join carolling group before..hehe..may god bless all of us especially our voices because we have 42 houses to go..guys..gambateh oh..still have 5 more nites..nice to meet u all too..
Oh ya..i think tat's all..will come back here again..hehe..may god bless all of you there..merry is short n limited..make full used of your precious LIVE LIFE THE FULLEST ya..
For the first week ah?mainly is accompany my family,friends n realtives..go hv breakfast(o i shud brunch) n drink with friends..then go hv dinner-steak with my beloved cousins..then my beloved sister...hv been waiting for me to come we usually go brunch togather..n try out lots of new food..o new place ah..even went to mjc for brunch ah..keng leh..that's why i put on weight..a lot ah..when im back here..oh ya..not forgetting ah..went for youth gathering..the last one of the year...some more i join choice carolling group..went for practise eery monday and thursday..hopefully a different n more meaningful christmas of the year..because we are serving to spread the good news n also bring the joy of christmas to all the family n everyone..
The second week..some old things..busy going brunch with sis la..then friends lo..then go for movie of cuz on movie day lo..hehe..oh this week mom n dad went travelling i hv 2 be nia ma..hehe..but i enjoy tat..i cook for my sis n bro..cooked tom yam soup plus mee..then bring my sis n bro out for japanese cuisine in occasion with my sis birthday..oh ya..that week oso kimching's we have bbq at ida's place..great one lo..kimching was splash with butter cake..oily leh..haha..will be a good memory for him..we have a lot of food usual..i made garlic bread n salad..keke..enjoy making all this stuff..great pass time..hehe..
The third week..out of town oh...i went to matang scout camp..join my junior to camping..haha..actually i only stay one nite nia..hehe..went up there with sin ee, helen, ho hun and vui kiat..when we reached n ho hun went join the members to go mountain climbing..although the members were half way..the rest stay at campsite..oh think im old already..really tired ah..long time didnt go exercise dy..haiz..when to pc fair after coming down that afternoon..plan to get a laptop..but there's nth there..haiz..the next day when trip ah..we even make our own purple t-shirt..wif tomodachi--friends..yap guys..friend 4ever oh..when we went out eat..the tauke even asked which company we belong to ah..hehe..keng have wonderful meals fish, prawns, shan chu, deer meat, taufu n vege oh..unfortunately no crabs..many not the season time lo guys..
Four's this week lo..hmm..ya..have been catching the hong kong series since im back..though slow..but for my pace can say fast lo..the forth series liaw..all borrowed from my cousin..hehe..still a lot to watch but i think not in time dy...haiz..then out with mom n sis lo..then the most interesting is that..last nite--at last the house to house carolling started already..we went to 5 houses of St.Vincent de Paul pity of them..some of the houses no electricity..some of the children are paralysed..the families are luckily we are to have such a loving, comfortable, warm and wonderful better treasure every moment with them..praise god for that..may god bless the st.Vincent de Paul families..i loved my family..muakz...we really have great time singing..although last nite we have all together 6 houses but we never feel tired bring the joy to the's different n great experience for me as i never join carolling group before..hehe..may god bless all of us especially our voices because we have 42 houses to go..guys..gambateh oh..still have 5 more nites..nice to meet u all too..
Oh ya..i think tat's all..will come back here again..hehe..may god bless all of you there..merry is short n limited..make full used of your precious LIVE LIFE THE FULLEST ya..
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Thank to St.Joe's Youth Gathering for giving this inspiration...
Hmm..Where should i start???Ya..i hv been 2 the youth gathering again..this time is different..a lot of things different..i hv not been any of the gathering since i went 2 uni..i really miss tat eps when i was at kl..the past friday just join them a lot of new changes..this time the gathering was held in st.joe school's canteen different from where we usually hv it at the auditorium..different venue because the auditorium was reserved for the spm o stpm exam i guess..but doesnt mean tat cant use the auditorium the gathering cant go on..our leaders are great..we still hv fun n were really touch despite the rain(i should say pouring)..the most important thing is tat nite i really can sense the great chances among our leaders n the youth there..they just came back from the annual youth camp..they are really empowered by god,jesus n the holy sipirt..from wot i can see they really grow..especially in faith..i was like wow...Words really cant describe them..some even cried after their sharing how they go through life be4 they knew christ n after tat...actually i really feel regret..not fully utilised my time half a year in um..can feel tat my faith not growing..maybe sad...really gain nth 4 the past half a fact um there..there's a group like this which is called 'LIFELINE' mainly 4 the young adults n uni o college students..i ever join them twice only..that were once the bbq at pantai hill park,kl then another time is mooncake festival..then i never join their talk..feel really regret didn't join them..if not at least i do learn smth..especially grow in i passed the half a year was just study n study..really tired of i going 2 spend my uni life for tat?????!!!definitely not i tell myself especially the inspiration tat was given after attending the youth gathering the past friday..tat nite really touch as i heard the members there telling us the they changed after joining all this..but wot i get is tat...our faith will never stay at a level..we must do something 2 secure it..tat's wot i learnt frm my this time when i go back 2 um i must try 2 participate fact i should be grateful tat im able to go to church every week at um really near..only 15 mins walk..i never thought tat i go uni still able 2 go church so regularly despite all the hardship like transport n time..thank 2 my collegemates 2..for going 2 church wif me..praise god for tat..just like everything is well planed..god even give me chance to join all sort of church activities like 'lifeline' n so on...actually really thank god to be so patience wif me all this chances though i always reject them..god please always remind me...''GRAP IT!!''hopefully i really appreciate all this n live life the fullest..thank god for being wif me always..going through up n down wif me..the sad thing is tat..the youth gathering i went is the last one for this year..tat means the gathering will resume by next year..i know i hardly join but i will spiritually pray tat the ministry will continue..i promise whenever im back i will sure join u all ya...miss u all...thanks to my cousin ah sang for bring me to this youth gathering n always keep me update wif them..wif their activities..oh ya..this christmas im doing something new n different..i join the 'Choice Carolling'..hopefully i will hv a meaningful christmas..Remember Lord is Great n Genenous..The Joy of Lord tat Give U Strength!!So Share The Words of God..Give n U will Recieve..More Blessing COmes Frm Giving Than REcieving...May Everyone Up There Have A Blessed Christmas..GOd Bless U aLL.....!!!
Friday, November 24, 2006
Just Started...
Hi everyone up there..just start to write blog..actually want to write for quite sometime liaw..but haiz..lot of factors din manage to write any until 2day lo..hehe..but i hv been reading friend's blog nia..haha..u know y?cuz now im at home have a lot of time to write..k la..tat's all for the start will upgrade then..cuz later going for church activities..youth gathering..miss tat a i come again ya..for friends just coming back o already came back..enjoy ur holiday oh..i will get back 2 post more hehe..
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